Our Patron
Commander 3rd Brigade, Brigadier Ben McLennan CSC and Bar
Homebase for the Veteran Community in Townsville
1 Staging Camp Ave, Oonoonba. Drop-in M-F 0900-1500, after hours upon booking
All closed on W/E and public holidays, unless booked.
[for GPS apps you may have better luck with 20 Darter Street, Oonoonba until actual is recognised on all platforms]
Interim Government Response to the Report of the Productivity Commission - A Better Way to Support Veterans
Australian Government
8 October 2020
The Productivity Commission (the Commission) in its
report, A Better Way to Support Veterans, offered 26 findings and made 69 recommendations for
further reform of the system.
The Commission proposed a number of significant and broad improvements to most areas of the
veteran support system, building upon the achievements of the Veteran Centric Reform (VCR)
transformation program already underway in the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) to deliver a
better experience for veterans and their families. The report also considers the impact of military service
on Australian Defence Force (ADF) members as they transition to civilian life, and acknowledges the
efforts already made by Defence to support members’ injury prevention and their successful transition.