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Oasis Program(s):

Social Connection

Oasis linked me in with an awesome ESO

Going through medical separation from ADF, Finn came to our Planning Coordinators for guidance on the process and to establish some connections in the community before he separated.

We supported his transition and linked him with Raemus Rover (an ESO supporting veterans' transition and connection through racing cars).

Transitioning from the ADF to civvy street brings with it many challenges and unknowns. So, when Finn was assessed for a medical discharge, he linked in with The Oasis Townsville for guidance on the discharge process and other areas such as DVA and employment. The team supported Finn in many areas, but it wasn’t until his discharge date loomed very near that he started to think about what he would do with his time post-transition. The team at The Oasis Townsville identified Finn’s concern and suggested joining the Raemus Rover adrenaline therapy program.

Finn packed up a swag and a water bottle and headed down to AYR to engage in the program without knowing anything about cars.

The program offers veterans opportunities to become off-road racing navigators, peer support, and the opportunity to race with the team every few months around QLD.

Finn gained his navigator licence, and the Raemus Rover team is training him to become a driver. He recently competed in the ARB Australian Offroad Racing Championships at the Gundy 500. Finn is also heading towards being the lead Class 7 Navigator in Qld in his first season. His ability to use military skills has supported his movement into the sport.

‘"As a digger, you just want to get the adrenalin going – It’s hard to find that in civvy world". "I’ve never done anything like this – it’s unique – everyone is awesome – it’s good vibe - I couldn’t recommend it anymore".


A client who found new skills and a great bunch of friends outside his ADF circle.

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