Our Patron
Commander 3rd Brigade, Brigadier Ben McLennan CSC and Bar
Homebase for the Veteran Community in Townsville
1 Staging Camp Ave, Oonoonba. Drop-in M-F 0900-1500, after hours upon booking
All closed on W/E and public holidays, unless booked.
[for GPS apps you may have better luck with 20 Darter Street, Oonoonba until actual is recognised on all platforms]
Oasis Program(s):
Meaningful Work, Social Connection, Something to Look Forward to
On to greater things
Grandfather is a Veteran (army). Client is a volunteer at Oasis and has assisted at Banjo's and in the cafe. Client also has a disability.
Volunteers at the Oasis at BBQ's and in cafe. Client has also gained skills from working in the community on Oasis BBQ trailer- 2/4RAR functions, open day
Volunteering at the Oasis has provided a safe space for the client to apply and learn skills to help him transition from High School to employment. The support of other volunteers and employees has increased his confidence and enabled him to apply the skills he has learned in the "real" environment. Access to the Oasis contacts has also enabled him to gain work with ESS at Lavarack Barracks recently.
Found permanent part-time employment.